Sunday, January 29, 2012


Wow! What an amazing/crazy few weeks! I will be honest; there have been days that have been complete struggles and others that have been wonderful and even easy! I wish I could say that I have kept up pace in my Bible reading & praying for the world but I haven't and I'm behind, about a week at this point. The crazy thing, ok not really crazy because I understand it is a spiritual thing, is I can tell the days I don't get in the Word or pray. Those are my worst days. I guess that means God is answering my prayer for hunger for his Word and that prayer would be like oxygen to me! So I am working hard to get caught back up by Feb 1st and will continue on in this journey and I am once again resolved to push has been a much better month than the last several trying to do anything on my own.

Now for the massive praise report that I have! I found a place to donate shoes collected from my shoe drive! At my new church where I am getting more and more involved my small group leader is helping me by getting permission of our small group to collect shoes. So, this week (and maybe next week as well) I will be collecting shoes (and any clothes-I have some since I have cleaned out my closet)! (New and gently used-all sizes!) They will be donated to a shelter that the church works with that helps clothe families in need, called Victory Ministries. If you would like to bring me shoes (if you live near) or if you would like to mail me money (so that I can buy shoes) or shoes just let me know! If mailing me something sounds crazy (cuz it sounds a little crazy to me) and you want to be a part of this find a place to donate shoes this week.

I am so excited, thankful, and full of prayer for the people who will receive these shoes!!! I can't wait to share with you how it goes. May you have a wonderful and blessed week!

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Sacrifice for a Specific Purpose

Ok, so my challenge this year is really to sacrifice money for a specific purpose but to me that can mean other forms than the physical dollar. This is just the beginning of my specific sacrificing but thought it was a story worth sharing in my journey.

For Christmas I asked for a pair of shoes that I could wear when "dressing up jeans". My boyfriend Alan got me these crazy platform shoes that made me think of a street hooker, that were too small. I returned the shoes to the store but didn't see any others that I wanted. The other night after eating dinner with some friends I suggested we visit a different shoe store across the street.

Now, I don't really like to shop, I usually get in, get what I want, and get out. Now, one of the great things about Alan is that he knows what he wants and is willing to stand up to his opinion. This however, becomes a problem when shopping together. We had very different ideas of what type of shoes I should be buying. In the end we left the store without buying anything because we could not come to an agreement, even though there were several pairs that I liked within the price range I was willing to spend. (I felt like he should really have some say since they were a Christmas present from him.)

That evening the rest of our conversations kept coming back to the topic of shoes. I could never convince Alan of why women needs several (hundred) pairs of shoes!  He pointed out 6 should do...casual dress, sandals, dress (black & white) tennis, & winter boots. And then he agreed to flip flops. I think that it would be challenging for any woman to only have 6 pairs of shoes! But of course in the end he had a very valid point...there is a BIG DIFFERENCE between NEED & WANT!!!

I even posted on Facebook our conversation and the female responses were exactly what I expected them to be. Women love shoes, but more than that; in our society women are expected to look cute, be stylish, & always look put together.  In the end Alan made a really good point! Therefore, I am not going to buy another pair of shoes and in fact, I picked out a pile of clothes that I have not worn in the last year to donate. And my next pair of shoes will replace a pair I already own that I have worn out and must be thrown away. There are people right here in the United States that have basic needs that aren't being met and I can spend my money more wisely.

And even though this sacrifice of not buying shoes & giving up clothes I haven't worn isn't exactly painful. I feel it going against what my brain defines as normal! The changing of the thought process and the heart is where the stretching and growth pains are felt. As I looked around church this morning I thought, what if we all took off the shoes we were wearing and send them somewhere like Africa or Mexico where one pair of shoes are treasured? 

Want to know my first response? Not these boots! I love them! They were a present from Alan last Christmas, they have special meaning to me. My second response wasn't much better! Who would want used shoes? Having been to Jamaica and the dumps of Mexico I know better! They would love shoes we would throw away! 

You know, I have been challenged just writing this blog! I am going to buy another pair of shoes but not for me! It is winter here in the states, I'm going to see if I can't get a shoe drive going for those in need here in Columbus! This is what my challenge this year is all about! I've got to go! I've got praying to do!

Monday, January 2, 2012

Easy or Hard?

Well, here we are January 2, 2012. So far I can't decide if my New Year "resolutions" are easy or hard? I'd have to say it must be the honeymoon stage. I have a desire to do what I am doing...I'm intrigued to see how I feel in a week, a month, or even in 6 months.

The Bible reading has gone really easy and fast. I have researched some Bible commentaries online but I find surfing the internet not the most productive use of my time since I find it easily distracting. I did end up getting a computer moved into my bedroom (and the TV moved out, since I'm not watching TV in 2012). I had some really neat Bible software that I was going to use...but of course it wasn't in my laptop bag like I thought, so I'm still looking for that. Maybe I should look at my parent's house for my college books and notes...get some serious in depth studying going on!

I did end up ordering the World Operations book. Not only do I like tangible things I can hold, I want to be able to take a more mobile copy when I go somewhere as well as have more information than what is provided on the website. I hope it gets here soon as I am very excited about it. I was surprised, and yet not, that my local Christian bookstore didn't carry it.

I wish I had had deeper thoughts to share. I suppose-hope I will with thing that I would like to share is:

The verse that has really been on my thoughts since starting my year long read is; Palms 1:2 "Instead, his delight is in the Lord's instruction, and he meditates on it day and night." This was one of the first things I read yesterday and it has really stuck with me. How different it is to delight in someone else's instruction other than my own? And then for it to be the Lord's instruction, when there are times He tells his children to do some "crazy" things! (Joshua & the Battle of Jericho, David & Goliath, Ruth, Esther, Moses, Abraham & Issac, Joseph-marry your pregnant girlfriend, who isn't carrying your child-just to name a very few!)

It was interesting to me that my Bible study homework yesterday was to read about Joseph (of the Old Test.). Joseph was faithful to God's instruction and he ended up in jail-so that God's glory may be shown through him (Joe). A story that I have ready many times (as well as seen a really neat play of) and it once again just shows how the Christian life is not the popular one. We want to avoid pain, suffering, and we always want to blame someone else for our "troubles". And yet, Joseph stood strong and obedient. To follow up today with reading about Joseph (of the New Test.) and how he was to take Mary as his wife...I can see an area of needed growth for myself. Such obedience and faithfulness comes from meditating day and night on God's word.

I hope that this new year has started off well for you and if it hasn't, that you will see God's hand moving in your life because one thing I have been very much reminded of this new year is that Christians do not have an easy life. Man's "kingdom" is the opposite of God's Kingdom, and the path is narrow. Do your good works out of obedience and not for salvation.

I guess I just answered my question-it may have been easy these last two days, but it won't "stay" that way. But in the end God will be Gloried...I say it is worth the trials, struggles, and failures. 

Until next time,

Friday, December 30, 2011

My 2012 Challenge!

'RADICAL: Taking Back Your Faith From The American Dream' By David Platt

From the back of the book:
"In 'Radical', David Platt challenges you to consider with an open heart how we have manipulated the gospel to fit our cultural preferences. He shows what Jesus actually said about being his disciple-then invites you the believe and obey what you have heard. And he tells the dramatic story of what is happening as a "successful" suburban church decides to get serious about the gospel according to Jesus. Finally, he urges you to join in The Radical Experiment-a one-year journey in authentic discipleship that will transform how you live in a world that desperately needs the Good News Jesus came to bring."

I want to begin by saying that I am not sure I have ever fulfilled a year goal in my life! My initial reaction to trying any of this is; I won't be able to last more than a week or two-but I really, really, really want to do this! I think my mantra for this challenge is going to be Philippians 4:13; "I can do all this through Him who gives me strength". There is no other way that I will last more than 2 weeks without His strength! Besides, I'm NOT doing this to show my power, my works, or my glory-no it's the complete opposite! I am doing it to glorify God!

As far as I am concerned sitting down to write a blog is not at the top of the priority list for this challenge. However, I wanted to take a modern approach to part five of this challenge (I will explain more on that later). I hope that by blogging I will take time to sit down and process through thoughts, feelings, ideas, insights rather than just rushing onto the next thing. I also hope to receive encouragement, other's insights, and be able to possibly make a difference in someone else's life-anywhere they may live.

The Year Challenge:
(I recommend reading Platt's book for more detailed information-he was able to put words to thoughts/questions I have had since college-and pointed out reasons why so many times attending church frustrates me!)

There are five components to this challenge:
1. Pray for the entire world
2. Read through the entire Bible
3. Sacrifice your money for a specific purpose
4. Spend your time in another context
5. Commit your life to a multiplying community

I am going to be using Operation World for a prayer guide on how to pray for the entire world. I remember as a child my mom using their book every night at dinner as we would pray for those around the world. I am going to try to use their online list but I can totally see myself breaking down and buying the book! After looking at their website I could see myself at least linking to the page on my blog but if you would like to check it out for yourself the address is

For reading through the Bible in 2012 I am using the Discipleship Journal Reading Plan by NavPress. I did print out this since it is only two pages. The address is I also really like that you can start at any point in the year. I am seriously considering giving up TV for the year so that I can really pour into my Bible reading the time that is going to take. I want to fill my spiritual hunger and get rid of the junk that I have been feeding myself.

As for the other 3 parts, I haven't completely figured all of that out. I really want to find a home church so that I can get involved. I also know I want to figure out my budget with the new year and actually work several 'normal' weeks at my new job to see exactly what to expect. I also may not go into lots of detail about money on my blog simply because I want to give out of a humble heart and not in a "bragging" fashion. I am also hoping that when I find a home church that they will have a missions trip that I can be a part of this year, otherwise I will need to get creative with how to spend my time in another context.

If you have read the book (even if you haven't) and you want to challenge yourself as well David Platt has set up a website with a great resource center with several links the address is

Welcome, to the journey I have begun...this is going to be interesting!